by Mona Spachi | Feb 15, 2020 | Uncategorized
Στα Αρχαία Ελληνικά το ουσιαστικό «λύπη» δήλωνε πρωτίστως τον σωματικό πόνο! «θώρακες μὴ λυποῦντες ἐν τῇ χρείᾳ» = θώρακες που δεν ενοχλούν στη χρήση (όταν τους φορούν). Στα Νέα Ελληνικά δηλώνει πλέον το έντονο συναίσθημα μεγάλου ψυχικού πόνου, που προέρχεται συνήθ....
by Mona Spachi | Feb 14, 2020 | Greek language, Greek vocabulary, Uncategorized
Are you in love? Do you love someone? Do you want to express your feelings in Greek? Well, then these phrases are just what you need! Love phrases in Greek! ❤️ Είσαι η γυναίκα της ζωής μου! = you are the woman of my life! Είσαι ο άντρας της ζωής μου! = You are the man...
by Mona Spachi | Jan 29, 2020 | Greek grammar, Greek language, Language learning
First of all, there are 3 Future tenses: Simple, Continuous and Future Perfect. In this blog post we will see ONLY how some irregular verbs form the Simple Future Tense and the Simple Subjunctive Mood Just a quick reminder: The first part of the Simple Future (as in...
by Mona Spachi | Jan 22, 2020 | Greek language, Greek vocabulary
Most useful vocabulary for computers in Greek plus examples! Enjoy! Internet: Διαδίκτυο (το) we use also quite often the English word. Σύνδεση: connection computer: υπολογιστής (ο) We also use here the English word. Laptop: φορητός υπολογιστής (ο) folder: φάκελος...
by Mona Spachi | Jan 15, 2020 | Greek grammar, Greek language, Languages, Modern Greek
“I see you!” = Σε βλέπω but “ I talk to you!” Σου μιλάω Some verbs have a direct object (like «βλέπω») while others indirect (like «μιλάω») and some can get both, (like «παίρνω») Wow! Slowly you will distinguish them. I hope that this image will help you! Remember we...