by Mona Spachi | Jun 18, 2019 | Greek language, Language learning, Languages
Θεωρητικό υπόβαθρο και χαρακτηριστικά της Επικοινωνιακής Προσέγγισης Κάποιες από τις βασικές θεωρητικές αρχές στις οποίες βασίζεται η ΕΠ είναι οι παρακάτω: (α) Ο προφορικός λόγος έχει προτεραιότητα έναντι του γραπτού. (β) η χρήση της γλώσσας για επικοινωνία είναι πιο...
by Mona Spachi | Jun 12, 2019 | Greek language, Language learning, Modern Greek
Here’s my list with the most common verbs in the Greek language. Once you know how to coniugate them, use them in sentences, write them down, stick them around the house, register your voice pronouncing them. Listen to the Greek you! Enjoy! είμαι – ìme – to be / Είμαι...
by Mona Spachi | Jun 7, 2019 | Greek language, Language learning, Uncategorized
My 10 secrets to create your little Greek world, when you are away from Greece and also tips and tricks for your study! Fill your ears. get as much input in your target language, in this case Greek, as you possible can! What does a small baby before starting to speak?...
by Mona Spachi | Apr 16, 2019 | Greek language, Language learning, Languages
Speaking a foreign language is one of the most satisfying feelings in the world. It gives you: *A deep connection with a new culture and the people that they speak the language (in this case, modern Greek and Greeks) *The chance to travel with ease *A sense of...
by Mona Spachi | Apr 16, 2019 | Greco Moderno, Greek language, Imparare le lingue, Language learning
Imparare una lingua straniera è un compito che richiede tempo e impegno ma non è impossibile. Ecco alcuni consigli che ti saranno veramente utili, se studi la lingua greca! 1. Non perdere la fiducia in te stesso: Se hai intenzione di imparare il greco moderno, è...
by Mona Spachi | Apr 16, 2019 | Greco Moderno, Greek language, Imparare le lingue, Inspiration, Language learning
Molti fattori entrano in gioco quando si tratta di apprendere una lingua. Spesso quelli che vengono citati sono tra l’altro la personalità, l’età, la capacità ecc. Io sono convinta dopo più di dieci anni di insegnamento di lingue straniere sia a degli studenti adulti...