by Mona Spachi | Nov 17, 2018 | Greek language, Language learning, Languages, Modern Greek
1) They Think Learning Can Be Effortless Sorry to disappoint you, dear beginners. Regardless of the promises that your new course or book has made, there’s no such thing as effortless learning. If only we could just sleep with a book under our pillows and have the...
by Mona Spachi | Nov 5, 2018 | Greek language, Inspiration, Language learning, Languages
Take a break! Even if we love modern Greek and we study regularly, it is inevitable that there will be days that we feel unmotivated. In this case, what I do and what I advise you to do is to take a break. This is one of the most useful tips in language learning! If...
by Mona Spachi | Oct 31, 2018 | Greek language, Language learning, Languages, Modern Greek
Language and music are kindred spirits. Both have rhythm, tone, melody, pitch, volume and pauses. Just as one can differentiate music through these elements, a language can be defined by the same. They can both be learned through repeated exposure. They are so closely...
by Mona Spachi | Oct 30, 2018 | Greek language, Inspiration, Language learning, Languages, Modern Greek
Learning a Language Through Music Transforms “Studying” into fun, and having fun while you study is globally known as one of the most effective ways to learn. So drop your dictionary and turn up that volume! 😄 Music has this almost transcendental effect on the human...
by Mona Spachi | Oct 29, 2018 | Greek language, Language learning, Languages, Modern Greek
How much time does it take time to learn modern Greek? * It depends on the person * On your motivation * On your self-discipline * On how much effort you put in it * On how much time you have been studying * On the methods and the approach you are using * On your...
by Mona Spachi | Oct 29, 2018 | Greco Moderno, Greek language, Imparare le lingue, Language learning, Languages
Quando parlo in greco mi innervosisco! 😕 Tutti siamo nervosi quando parliamo in un’altra lingua diversa dalla nostra! Però come sottolinea Michael Jordan: Essere nervoso non è male. Significa solo che sta per avvenire qualcosa di importante. Cercare di non sentirti...